Wednesday, December 15, 2010
FOX - Propaganda on Steroids
FOX NEWS GETS INSTRUCTIONS ON CLIMATE TALK.... About a year ago, Fox News correspondent Wendell Goler delivered a live report from Copenhagen and told viewers the truth. The United Nations' World Meteorological Organization, Goler said, had announced that that 2000-2009 was "on track to be the warmest [decade] on record."
Not quite 15 minutes later, another memo was sent by Fox News Washington managing editor Bill Sammon.
In the midst of global climate change talks last December, a top Fox News official sent an email questioning the "veracity of climate change data" and ordering the network's journalists to "refrain from asserting that the planet has warmed (or cooled) in any given period without IMMEDIATELY pointing out that such theories are based upon data that critics have called into question." [...]
Today, Alternet also wrote an article showing evidence watching Fox makes you stupid. Their last paragraph hit the nail on the head.
"This is not an isolated review of Fox’s performance. It has been corroborated time and time again. The fact that Fox News is so blatantly dishonest, and the effects of that dishonesty have become ingrained in an electorate that has been been purposefully deceived, needs to be made known to every American. Our democracy cannot function if voters are making choices based on lies. We have the evidence that Fox is tilting the scales and we must now make certain its corporate owners do not get away with it."
At what point do they lose their press credentials?
Monday, December 13, 2010
Who is the most mentally stable person on the planet?
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Republican's Are Trying to Sabotage The Economic Recovery
"Without extended benefits, Virginia would have had 8,014 fewer jobs as of September 2010, and failure to act to extend benefits again could cost the state 5,261 jobs by the end of next year.
Benefits for the jobless are particularly important during the holiday season. In addition to providing support for families when they need it most, the positive effects of the program on the economy are likely to be greater since American families tend to spend more during the holiday season. In December alone, two million Americans will lose their coverage if Congress fails to act, the report finds."
Virginia Needs Congress To Act Now On Unemployment Insurance
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Veto Override Failed
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Quantitative Easing - QE2
Sarah Palin, China, the European Union, Greenspan and about 20 conservative columnists have come out against it.
The result of QE2 would be a lower priced currency. This would have the affect of increasing domestic production and intern possibly increasing the working class wages (that means you blue collar workers).
So, explain to me again, why QE2 is such a bad thing?
And if Palin, Greenspan and the right wing are siding with China and the European Union you've got to wonder where their loyalty lies.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Fox(Pulse), Gallup and Rasmussen Polling Way Off

Mark Blumenthal calculated the actual outcome was around +6R or +7R meaning Rasmussen, Fox(Pulse-Also Rasmussen) and Gallup were around +6R, +7R and +9R off.
Nate Silver of the blog Fivethirtyeight at the NYT stated Rasmussen on average had a +4R bias on the Congressional and Senate races.
Knowing all of this, I'd like to know what the actual Presidential approval ratings are since they use the LV model screening that's been proven to be way off.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce
That's what the Chamber stands for.
Election Day!
1.marine corps marathon
2.time change fall 2010
3.when is daylight savings time 2010
4.daylight savings time 2010
5.halloween quotes and sayings
6.trick or treat times
7.halloween parade nyc
8.denise borino quinn
9.when does daylight savings time end
10.rally to restore sanity
11.indiana unemployment
12.reformation day
13.when do we turn the clocks back
14.romans revenge lyrics
15.this is halloween lyrics
16.pumpkin pancakes
17.samhain rituals
18.happy halloween pictures
19.halloween games for kids
20.all saints day
Mostly about Halloween and daylights savings time. I see the marathon hit #1 and still in the top ten is the Colbert/Stewart Rally.
Seems this election is a really big deal!
Monday, November 1, 2010
The War on America Has Begun
Selfishness disguised as liberty. Power wearing a mask of freedom. Free trade tearing our working class apart hidden under the facade of patriotism.
Anyone who gives a damn needs to repudiate these libertarian ideas. Libertarians are the true enemies of this country.
They don't want our Constitution. They hate our laws. They hate the idea of the United States.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Obama on The Daily Show
I'll let you in on a little secret traditionalists...your influence is waning.
After hearing David Gregory give loaded question after loaded questions to Meeks and Crist and then give Rubio a tongue bath makes it more than apparent modern day "newsmakers" are less interested in pushing for real answers from someone and more interested in advancing their own careers.
Times change. Blogs, tweets, emails and daytime and late night television is where a large percentage of individuals get their info from, particularly the younger groups. The President is smart to use these as its the youth that are going to be driving our economy in the future.
For those that missed it, the full episode can be viewed HERE @ The Daily Show's Web site.
I'll see you all on the mall on Saturday!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Ken Cuccinelli's Loosing Battle Against Climate Science
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is Un-American
I think most of us here know the answer but I don't think it's gotten through every Americans head that when members pay the U.S. Chamber of Commerce dues, those dues are expected to increase their bottom line. If that increase consists of shipping manufacturing and customer service overseas for the owners of the U.S. companies to compete with foreign companies then that's what they are fighting for.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce does not represent the U.S. worker in the least bit and hopefully Americans will come to realize that sooner rather than later.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Evidence of Koch Funding Tea Party Movement
Remember, this is the same American's for Prosperity that did this....
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Americans for Prosperity Cheer Chicago's Failure | |||| | ||||
There's a Time For Everything
My opinion is now is the time to get as many Dems elected as possible to ensure Dems hold the House and maintain control of the committees.
Fire away at me now.
The Republicans of Today
Then I thought of Palin, Buck, O'Donnell, Angle, Inhofe, Vitter and some of the other hero's of the Republican party and thought to myself how disappointed our founding fathers would be at what passes as a statesman today.
How has a national party gone so far off the deep end they are defending individuals that wear ignorance like some sort of badge on their shoulder.
The more ignorant, the more Republican partisans line up behind them. What a disappointment.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Speaking for the Country
Sunday, October 3, 2010
What Do They All Have in Common?
All of these individuals believe a raped women should bear the baby of the rapist. This is the Theocratic state they want to impose on us. The teaparty is a mask for their real intentions, and that is to impose their religious beliefs on every day Americans who think they are just voting for some outsider that is gonna shake things up, or something.
Pay close attention.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Arriana Huffington Is Trying to Hijack the Progressive Movement for Her Own Purpose
And, she apparently vacations with Newt Gingrich
I've been stating ever since this Administration took over, that site has turned to blaring New York Post/Drudge type misleading headlines. It's a business to her, not a progressive movement.
She's trying to hijack The Daily Show/John Stewart crowd right now.
Beware if you give a damn about the good of this country. She's a wolf in sheeps clothing.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Job Creation During Recent Recoveries
If Obama were to follow the Bush trend, next month the U.S. would lose 156,000 jobs and lose another 198,000 the month after.
I think we can all agree that a Democratic majority in the House/Senate and Democratic controlled White House has been much better for our economy and jobs.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Stephen Colbert/Jon Stewart Rally on 10/30/10
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
March to Keep Fear Alive | |||| | ||||
Rally to Restore Sanity.
March to Keep Fear Alive.
It's on! I'll see you all there!!!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Christine O'Donnell Claims Hillary Voters for Her Own
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Why Are So Many So Called Left Wing Blogs So Anti-Obama?
Many of these web sites are new. They came about during the anti Bush years and thus developed a following of individuals that were accustomed to finding fault in everything the acting administration did.
This worked out fine during the primaries and the general election as they still had the opposition to aim all their fire at. Well, that all came to an end when Democrats controlled the House, Senate and the White House. They needed something to keep their clicks going and their followers donating to their pet causes.
They didn't bother to find a new method of doing business as the old business model is the only thing these sites know so they turned their guns on their allies and opened fire. When I say allies I mean in the sense that they are much more likely to side with legislation being worked through Congress with the bunch in control now than if there was a Republican controlled Congress in session.
I'm not sure what it'll take to encourage them to turn their guns on the real opposition and not all of it on those that are no doubt pushing through legislation that at least addresses some of their concerns.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Depression Avoided According to Zandi and Blinder
In addition, there would be about 8.5 million fewer jobs, on top of the more than 8 million already lost; and the economy would be experiencing deflation, instead of low inflation.
The paper, by Alan S. Blinder, a Princeton professor and former vice chairman of the Fed, and Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, represents a first stab at comprehensively estimating the effects of the economic policy responses of the last few years."
Read more at:
The New York Times
Friday, July 16, 2010
What Has Obama Accomplished?
"In the larger context, Wall Street reform also gets added to the list of breakthrough accomplishments of the last 18 months, a list that now includes health care reform, an economy-saving Recovery Act, a long-sought overhaul of the nation's student-loan system, the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, the Hate Crimes Prevention Act, new regulation of the credit card industry, new regulation of the tobacco industry, a national service bill, expanded stem-cell research, and the most sweeping land-protection act in 15 years, among other things.
As Rachel Maddow recently observed, "The last time any president did this much in office, booze was illegal. If you believe in policy, if you believe in government that addresses problems, cheers to that.""
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Israel Overreacts, Deployes Commandos

Israel needs to learn the restraint that comes with having a powerful military. It's a maturity their country hasn't learned yet.
It's part of being a responsible Democracy.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Rand Paul Wins Kentucky Primary - Next Stop 2012?
It will be interesting how Republican Senators conduct themselves when Rand wears his Libertarian views on his sleeve on the floor and speaks of legalization or even expresses his anti-Iraq/Afghanistan positions. Things will get interesting none the less.
He might be one of the more straight up individuals on the Senate, not beholden to many. He could very well likely be a yes vote to approve of spending cuts in all departments and agencies of the U.S. Govn't from Department of Defense of which he would like to reduce spending to the Department of Education, of which he'd like to eliminate.
I'm probably way out ahead but, I could see him continuing his ability to tap into independents and leaning libertarian Republicans and Democrats across the country and run for the White House in 2012.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Game Changer?

If this oil mess doesn't get plugged up in a week, I predict climate legislation getting through Congress much more smoothly much in the way the Wall Street crash enabled these financial reforms making their way through Congress seem to be going with very few hiccups.
See, this administration had a bit of an uphill battle with health care reform. A majority of Americans like their health care. This admin isn't going to have to explain to anyone oil is a problem and every single American felt the repercussions of the banks and financial firms exploding.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Crist Wins Florida Senate Race, Says Will Caucus With Dems
Can't say you didn't hear it here first!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Checkbook Tax?
A few points Mr. Duntz.
This fund is going to be bank-rolled by the large investment firms that aren’t covered by FDIC. Rather than Checkbook Tax call this the “Hedgefund Managers Checkbook Tax” since the majority of the burden will be carried by those big time wall street guys playing in derivatives, CDS, and other investments middle America doesn’t get involved in directly.
If you don’t want to pay for the investment firms to deal in their own casino, don’t bank with them.
Use your local banks that are covered by the FDIC.
If the big banks will raise fees leave them.
That’s whats great about competition and free market. If the fees get outrageous, Average Americans can pick up and leave and put their money somewhere else.
You don't have to bank with BofA or Citi. You can bank with your local bank.
Anyways, Luntz, you're a slug.....where's my salt shaker.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Frank Luntz Memo to Crush Financial Reform
Why are Democrats so silent on this?
Friday, April 2, 2010
Obama's Great Week
* HC Reform signed into law — Check
* College lending reform signed into law — Check
* China agree to sanctions on Iran — Check
* Russia agrees to Nuclear pact — Check
* Job Numbers turn positive — Check
* Historic increase CAFE standards by 33% – CHECK
* Ending ‘valley fill’ after mountain top removal – CHECK
* Preserving extremely sensitive marine habitat in Bristol Bay, Alaska from drilling – CHECK
Not a bad week.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Kock Industries and Mercatus Center at GMU
Come to find out, another report I ran across in a Guardian article highlighting a Greenpeace report that noted the following:
Mercatus center: ($9.2m received from Koch grants 2005-2008) Conservative think tank at George Mason University. This group suggested in 2001 that global warming would be beneficial in winter and at the poles. In 2009 they recommended that nothing be done to cut emissions.
The public needs to know what kind of influence the squid, Koch Industries, has in this country. They are a danger to our society.
Monday, March 29, 2010
RNC 'partay's' at Voyeur West Hollywood
#10 97 $20 lap dances.
#9 389 $5 shots of tequila! Ole!!!
#8 389 $5 Corona’s.
#7 556 $3.50 glasses of domestic beer.
#6 1297 $1.50 condoms from the condom machine.
#5 An underage page - Oh wait, that's in Congress. Sorry.
#4 One hour whipping session from Sarah Palin in leather in a private booth.
#3 300 straight hours of a peep show starring Tom "The Hammer" Delay and Larry Craig dancing like stars in leather.
#2 Unlimited access to some dark room entitled "Best Glory Hole in Hollywood."
#1 An all-niter at the VIP table and a bottle of Cristal with Ann Coulter!
Hutaree Militia
"Nine suspects tied to a Christian militia in the Midwest are charged with conspiring to kill police officers, then attack a funeral in the hopes of killing more law enforcement personnel, federal prosecutors said Monday.
U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade said agents moved on the group because the Hutaree members were planning a violent reconaissance mission sometime in April – just a few days away.
Members of the group called Hutaree are charged in the case, including their leader, David Brian Stone, also known as “Captain Hutaree.”
Once other officers gathered for a slain officer’s funeral, the group planned to detonate homemade bombs at the funeral, killing more, according to newly unsealed court papers."
Read more @ AP NEWS.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Terror Prosecutions in the U.S.
Anyways, for your viewing pleasure:

Thursday, March 25, 2010
Republicans Found Guilty of Voter Fraud
Read more at: The BRAD BLOG
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Health Insurance Reform Text Message
Today, after almost a century of effort, health insurance reform becomes law. Thank you for your partnership in creating change.– President Obama
Text Message Received on:
1:10pm Mar 23, 10
Obama Signs Health Care Bill
Monday, March 22, 2010
How Does Health Care Affect You Right Away?
- In 2010, small businesses that choose to offer coverage will begin to receive tax credits of up to 35 percent of premiums to help make employee coverage more affordable.
- In 2010, adults who are uninsured because of pre-existing conditions will have access to affordable insurance through a temporary high-risk pool.
- This bill starts to close the Medicare Part D donut hole in 2010 by providing a $250 rebate to Medicare beneficiaries who hit the gap in prescription drug coverage. And beginning in 2011, the bill institutes a 50% discount on prescription drugs in the donut hole.
- o Starting this year, new private plans will be required to provide free preventive care: no co-payments and no deductibles for preventive services. And beginning January 1, 2011, Medicare will do the same.
- In 2010, this bill will provide help for early retirees by creating a temporary re-insurance program to help offset the costs of expensive premiums for employers and retirees age 55-64.
- Under health reform, Americans will see an immediate expansion of coverage.
- This year, children with pre-existing conditions can no longer be denied health insurance coverage. The bill outlaws that practice for new health plans as well as grandfathered group plans. Moving forward, no insurance company can deny a child coverage based on his or her health.
- This year, new health care plans and select grandfathered plans will allow young people to remain on their parents’ insurance policy up until their 26th birthday.
- This year, insurance companies will be banned from dropping people from coverage when they get sick, and they will be banned from implementing lifetime caps on coverage. This year, restrictive annual limits on coverage will be banned for new plans and grandfathered group health plans. Under health reform, Americans will be ensured access to the care they need.
- The bill increases funding for community health centers so that nearly double the number of patients can be treated in their community health centers over the next 5 years. The funding begins in the next fiscal year.
- The health reform bill will increase the number of primary care doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners and physician assistants through new investments. This funding takes effect in the next fiscal year.
- Health reform will immediately curb some of the worst insurance industry practices and strengthen consumer protections.
- Beginning this year, this bill creates a new, independent appeals process that ensures consumers in new private plans have access to an effective process to appeal decisions made by their insurer.
- o Starting January 1, 2011, insurers in the individual and small group market will be required to spend 80 percent of their premium dollars on medical services. Insurers in the large group market will be required to spend 85 percent of their premium dollars on medical services. Any insurers who don’t meet those thresholds will be required to provide rebates to their policyholders.
- This year, discrimination based on salary will be outlawed. New group health plans will be prohibited from establishing any eligibility rules for health care coverage that discriminate in favor of higher-wage employees.
- This bill holds insurance companies accountable for unreasonable rate hikes. Starting in 2011, it helps states require insurance companies to submit justification for all requested premium increases. Any company with excessive or unjustified premium increases may not be able to participate in the new health insurance exchanges.
- Beginning this fiscal year, this bill provides funding to states to help establish offices of health insurance consumer assistance in order to help individuals in the process of filing complaints or appeals against insurance companies.
The Plouffe Effect?

Say what you want, but this will go down in the history books as a big win for this administration. Those that voted for this and had the courage, bravo. The momentum turned around in recent weeks. Obama has become more of a fighting champion of the populous and much more vocal about his support of legislation.
Is it coincidence that Plouffe came back and things turned around for the WH? I'm not sure it was.
Anyways, history will be the judge.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Sean Hannity is a Fraud

For the last several years, Sean Hannity and the Freedom Alliance “charity” have conducted “Freedom Concerts” across America. They’ve told you that they are raising money to pay for the college tuition of the children of fallen soldiers and to pay severely wounded war vets. And on Friday Night, Hannity will be honored with an award for this “Outstanding Community Service by a Radio Talk Show Host” at Talkers Magazine’s convention.
But it’s all a huge scam.
Read more about it all from conservative blogger Debbie SchlusselHERE.
What Will Health Care Reform Mean to Everyone Right Away?
Immediately upon passage, there are no lifetime or annual caps on benefits in new policies.
Immediately upon passage, you can no longer be dropped just 'cause they wanna drop you.
Immediately upon passage, children up to age 26 can remain on their parents' insurance policy.
Immediately upon passage, insurance companies will be unable to arbitrarily raise rates.
Immediately upon passage, uninsured Americans will have access to a temporary high-risk pool.
Immediately upon passage, drug prices for seniors will begin to go down as the Medicaid donut hole is closed.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Kucinich is a YES on Health Care Reform
The fixes are some of the more important political parts of this legislation as Obama pollsters noted some days ago that a substantial percentage of dislike about the overall HCR bill are the special deals that should be taken out with the fixes.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Ken Cuccinelli is a Birther
Yes, you heard that right.
Larry Sabato got a hold of some audio from an exchange with Ken recently.
Here is part of the exchange:
"Q: How can we get proof?
Cooch: Well… that’s a good question. Not one I’ve thought a lot about because it hasn’t been part of my campaign. Someone is going to have to come forward with nailed down testimony that he was born in place B, wherever that is. You know, the speculation is Kenya. And that doesn’t seem beyond the realm of possibility."
Ken is now in the same boat as this wacko, Orly Taitz:
Good luck with this one Virginia.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
RNC Targets Donors Through Fearmongering
RNC Strategy
Take a look at this page in particular. It is clear the RNC has contempt for its targeted donors and is willing to exploit their fears for money. Stay classy RNC.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Brown Wins Massachusettes Senate Seat
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Haiti Needs Your Help
By texting HAITI to 90999 you can send $10 to the Red Cross Haiti Relief Fund.
Friday, January 8, 2010
What Drives a Young, Well Off Male To Become a Jihadist and How Does it Relate to Closing Guantanimo?
President Obama believes there is. This is why on Jan. 22, 2009, he directed it be shut down via Executive Order.
Ever since then, Republicans have been arguing we would be less safe by closing it. Well, a recent post by Justin Elliot, at TPM Muckracker, highlights two articles by both The New York Times and that explain how the undie-bomber was president of an Islamic Society which held a 'War on Terror Week.' while in University.
Here is the poster which advertised this event:

Regarding the poster, Andrew Sullivan at The Atlantic's blog, The Daily Dish, stated "Almost all of it is about torture and Gitmo."
It's not difficult to connect the dots. This could very well have been one of the triggers, that can turn a well off, educated student, to become a jihadist, looking to blow up an airplane over U.S. soil.
Extreme poverty and little to no formal education

It's time for Republicans to stop playing politics with our safety and let the President close Guantanamo Bay. This is all the evidence the American people need to put this issue to rest once and for all.